7.4.5 dfuse-eos

dfuse is a massively scalable open-source platform for searching and processing blockchain data. It provides real-time, historical and fork-aware search engine (dfuse Search), transaction push guarantees (dfuse Push Guarantee), transaction lifecycle (dfuse Lifecycle), historical state services (dfuse State), and many more blockchain building blocks. dfuse empowers developers with capabilities to build modern blockchain applications with fast, fluid interfaces that deliver exceptional user experiences.

For more resources, please visit: https://docs.dfuse.io

The current dfuse EOS mainnet access on BSN is available through dfuse Community Edition hosted by EOS Nation. Try out the dfuse API features on the [GraphiQL playground] (https://eos.dfuse.eosnation.io/graphiql).

If your needs exceed the Community Edition limits, please contact dfuse to set up an [Enterprise plan] (https://dfuse.io/zh/pricing/?utm_source=BSN).

The BSN PCN gateway is equipped with sfuse's JSON RPC API and GraphQL, so developers can issue EOSIO transaction requests to the node gateway via HTTP JSONrpc or GraphQL.

For detailed instructions, please visit the link: https://docs.dfuse.io/reference/eosio

The following table shows additional error code definitions for public city node gateway:

Error code Transaction error code Error code description
401 3090000 Authentication permission failed
429 3210000 TPS, TPD current limit
500 3100000 Service internal exception
503 3100000 Service Unavailable
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