Smart Contract Event Query API
Use this API to query the list of monitored smart contract events that have been registered.
1. Interface address:
https://PCNGatewayAddress/api/fiscobocs/v1 /event/query
2. Call method: POST
3. Signature algorithm: required and refer to Section
4. Call parameters
No. | Field name | Field | Type | Required | Remarks |
1 | Header | header | Map | Y | |
2 | Body | body | Map | N | |
3 | Signature Value | mac | String | Y | |
header | |||||
1 | user unique ID | userCode | String | Y | |
2 | DApp unique ID | appCode | String | Y |
{"header":{"userCode":"USER0001202006042321579692440","appCode":"app0001202006042323057101002","tId":""},"mac":"MEUCIQC2NTuUlsxQSWPpZwwhJK9zXEMaeYZC04Ar0P5Twyp5AQIgFvZrskasuLiYfOGxd1F9TCetWHIfENg8BCiYfNS1xGk=" }
5. Response parameters
No. | Field name | Field | Type | Required | Remarks |
1 | Header | header | Map | Y | |
2 | Body | body | Map | Y | |
3 | Signature Value | mac | String | Y | |
Header | |||||
1 | Response ID | code | int | Y | 0: Query successful -1: Query failed |
2 | Response Message | msg | String | Y | |
body | |||||
1 | Block generation event | blockEvent | []blockEvent | Y | Null when the code is not 0 |
2 | Contract event | contractEvent | []contractEvent | Y | |
blockEvent | |||||
No. | Field name | Field | Type | Required | Remarks |
1 | block generation event | eventId | string | Y | Null when the code is not 0 |
2 | App code | appcode | String | Y | |
3 | User code | userCode | String | Y | |
4 | Notification URL | notifyUrl | String | Y | |
5 | Attachment parameters | attachArgs | String | N | |
6 | Create time | createTime | String | Y | UTC time |
contractEvent | |||||
No. | Field name | Field | Type | Required | Remarks |
1 | block generation event | eventId | string | Y | |
2 | App code | appcode | String | Y | |
3 | User code | userCode | String | Y | |
4 | Notification URL | notifyUrl | String | Y | |
5 | Attachment parameters | attachArgs | String | N | |
6 | Create time | createTime | String | Y | UTC time |
7 | Contract address | contractAddress | String | Y |
"header": {
"code": 0,
"msg": "Transaction succssful"
"mac": "MEUCIQCQ/RjmlVkLKZw6jcLKBPh1BwK4EIQE001vUAKPVq1HTgIgXUQ7Bn+y8D8xQxYUwtZOoh/bpteAPCUtKXZeAiN7cMU=",
"body": {
"blockEvent": [
"eventId": "ba537419953e4e219ceb0fe26ad5e125",
"appCode": "app0001202006042323057101002",
"userCode": "USER0001202006042321579692440",
"notifyUrl": "",
"attachArgs": "abc=123",
"createTime": "0001-01-01 00:00:00.000 +0000 UTC"
"contractEvent": [
"eventId": "ba537419953e4e219ceb0fe26ad5e126",
"appCode": "app0001202006042323057101002",
"userCode": "USER0001202006042321579692440",
"notifyUrl": "",
"attachArgs": "abc=123",
"createTime": "0001-01-01 00:00:00.000 +0000 UTC",
“contractAddress”:” 0x866aefc204b8f8fdc3e45b908fd43d76667d7f76”