Query Granted Permissions

Interface Address /hub/queryGrantedPermission
Description Users can look up all or part of the permission records authorized to them in three dimensions: the uid of the resource owner, whether it has been accessed and the permission type.
Interface request parameter
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 QueryGrantedPermissionReq Y Wrapper class
1 uid String Y ID in the Hub
2 ownerUid String N Resource owner’s ID in the Hub
3 flag String N Access status. 0: query accessed permissions; 1: query unaccessed records; if null, query both
4 grant String N Authorization type. READ: Read; WRITE: Add; UPDATE: Update
5 sign String Y Signature
Interface response parameter
No. Parameter Type Description
1 List<GrantPermissionInfo> List of authorized records
1 url String The path of the resource storage
2 grant String Authorization type. READ: Read; WRITE: Add; UPDATE: Update
3 status Integer 0: deleted; 1: not deleted
4 createTime Date Time to create authorization
5 readTime Date Accessed time. Null if not accessed
6 flag Integer 0: accessed; 1: not accessed
7 ownerUid String ID in the Hub
8 OwnerKey String Ciphertext key
9 key String Owner’s key
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