11.3 Response Code

Response code Description
0 Success
9999 Unknown exception
1001 {attribute} is null
1002 The format of {attribute} is invalid
1003 {attribute} contains a null attribute value
1004 {attribute}Parameter is too long
1005 Transaction timeout
1006 Transaction error
1008 Config file does not exist
1009 Node private key is empty
1010 DID contract address is empty
1011 CPT contract address is empty
1012 Auth issuer contract address is empty
1013 DID blockchain type is empty
1014 Failed to initialize the DID SDK
1020 Failed to create the key pair
1021 Public and private keys do not match
1022 Public key is empty
1023 Invalid public key format
1024 Private key is empty
1025 Invalid private key format
1027 Encryption Type is empty
1028 Invalid Encryption Type
1029 Failed to sign the data
1030 Signer and DID do not match
1031 Signature verification failed
1032 Public key and document's primary public key do not match
1033 Public key and document's recovery public key do not match
1040 DID already exists
1041 DID does not exist
1042 Failed to create DID
1043 Invalid DID
1044 Failed to generate the DID
1045 Failed to generate the DID Document
1046 DID Document verification success
1050 DID is registered as the issuer
1051 DID is not registered as the issuer
1052 Failed to register as the issuer
1054 Issuer does not exist
1060 CPT does not exist
1062 Issuer and publisherDid in the CPT do not match
1070 The credential has been revoked
1071 The credential has expired
1072 Failed to revoke the credential
1073 CPT and credential do not match
1074 Failed to create credential
1075 Credential verification success
1076 The credential is not in the revoke list
1077 Computed DID from the document is not the same with the DID in the document
1078 Created time is different with updated time in DID Document
1079 Public key signature verification failed
1080 DID is not the same with the proof creator in CPT
1081 The DID Document version does not match the one on-chain
1082 The DID Document created time does not match the one on-chain
1083 The DID Document recovery key does not match the one on-chain
1084 Failed to add DID Document to the chain
1085 Failed to create the key pair
1086 Failed to calculate the DID
1087 Failed to calculate the DID Document signature
1088 Failed to create the DID Document
1090 The mnemonic is empty
1337 Failed to encrypt the key
1338 Failed to sign the data
Identity Hub
1303 Private key is empty
1304 Private key format is invalid
1305 Public key is empty
1306 Public key format is invalid
1307 Public key and private key do not match
1309 The URL is empty
1310 The URL is empty
1321 The URL of the Identity Hub cannot be empty
1322 The public key of the Identity Hub cannot be empty
1327 Failed to send the request
1328 The format of the grant is invalid
1329 Grant cannot be empty
1335 Resource does not exist
1336 The key is empty
1337 Failed to encrypt the key
1338 Failed to sign the data
1341 Failed to delete permission
1342 Failed to query permission
1343 Grant is empty
1344 Failed to check permission
1347 Failed to query publicKey
1350 Config file does not exist
1351 The public key is empty
1352 You cannot add permissions to yourself
1354 Illegal flag
1361 The user ID is empty
1362 The granted user ID is empty
1363 The public key of the granted user is empty
1364 Failed to generate the user ID
1365 Failed to decrypt the data
1366 Failed to encrypt the data
1367 Failed to decrypt Identity Hub's private key
1368 The private key of Identity Hub is empty
1369 The public key of Identity Hub is empty
1370 No permission to save resource
1371 No permission to update resource
1372 The resource has been saved, cannot be saved again
1373 The granted user already has an unused permission
1400 Permission does not exist
1402 Failed to delete permission
1403 Failed to query permission
1406 Failed to get the public key
1407 Failed to update the public key
1408 Failed to save the resource
1409 Failed to query the resource
1410 Failed to delete the resource
1411 Failed to update the resource
1412 Failed to get the HTTP request
1413 Failed to get the private key of the Identity Hub
1414 Missing request data
1415 Failed to convert the request parameter
1416 Unknown client data or not connected
1417 Parse return code error
1418 Resource does not exist
1419 The URL format is invalid
1422 Signature verification failed
1423 The user is not registered
1424 User registration failed, the format of the public key is invalid
1425 The user is already registered
1426 The granted user does not exist
1427 The resource owner does not exist
1428 Failed to close the permission
1429 Only the resource owner can delete it
1430 Failed to add operation record
1431 Failed to register the user
1432 The user ID is empty
1433 Failed to parse the request parameter
1434 Failed to add the operation record
1435 Failed to update the resource
1436 The resource does not exist
1437 Failed to save the resource
1438 Failed to save the user information to the database
1441 The current permission has been used or the user does not have permission
1442 Failed to check the permission
1455 decrypt encptyKey failed
1456 decrypt content failed
1460 New owner's user ID is empty
1461 Failed to change the owner
1462 The uid and the ownerUid cannot be the same
1463 The ownerUid is not exist
1465 The new owner and new owner's public key do not match
1501 Failed to query the encryption key of the granted resource
1502 Failed to decrypt the key of the granted resource
1503 The resource does not exist
1504 The recovery key pair is incorrect, cannot reset DID authentication
1505 The primary private key and public key do not match

Note: {attribute} is a dynamic parameter.

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    results matching ""

      No results matching ""