Key Update

Function name resetDidAuth(ResetDidAuth restDidAuth)
Description If the primary private key is lost or leaked, a pair of primary public and private keys can be regenerated by the recovery private key. The user completes the primary public-private keys update with the recovery public-private keys. After the key is updated, the user's DID Document will also be updated, but the DID remains the same. If the user fills in the primary public-private keys, the primary public keys in the DID Document is updated and the signature is recalculated using the filled-in primary public key; otherwise, a new pair of primary public private keys is automatically generated and the primary public key and signature calculation of the DID Document are updated.
Note: If the issuer updates the key, all the previously issued credentials will not pass the signature verification (if the issuer records the master public key of the credential in the business system, it can transmit the old master public key information to the user, then it can also pass the credential verification).
Request Parameters
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 ResetDidAuth Y
1 did String Y DID
2 primaryKeyPair KeyPair N Primary public and private key
3 recoveryKey KeyPair Y Recovery public and private key
1 privateKey String Y Private Key
2 publicKey String Y Public Key
3 type String Y Algorithm type
Response Parameters
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 KeyPair Y New public and private key pair
1 privateKey String Y Private Key
2 publicKey String Y Public Key
3 type String Y Algorithm type
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