Verify Credential

Function name verifyCredential(CredentialWrapper createCredential,PublicKey publicKey)
Description Generally called by the verifier. It can verify whether a particular credential is valid or not. Verify the signature of the credential, whether the credential is expired, and whether the credential is revoked, respectively.
Request Parameters
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 createCredential CredentialWrapper Y
2 publicKey PublicKey Y Public key
1 context String Y Version
2 id String Y Credential ID
3 type String Y Credential type, Proof
4 cptId Long Y Credential template ID
5 issuerDid String Y DID of the credential template issuer
6 userDid String Y DID of the user who created the credentials
7 expirationDate String Y Credential expiration date
8 created String Y Created date
9 shortDesc String N Brief description of the credential
10 longDesc String N Detailed description of the credential
11 claim Map<String, Object> Y Claim data
12 proof Map<String, Object> Y Signature
1 type String Y Algorithm Type
2 publicKey String Y Public key
Response Parameters
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 Boolean Y Return true if success, return false if failure
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