Query Credential Template List

Interface Address /did/queryCptList
Description Anyone can check all their credential templates by DID. It is possible for the same individual/organization to register multiple credential templates. For example, a university may have a degree template, an incomplete template, etc. in addition to a diploma template.
Interface request parameter
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 QueryCptListWrapper Y Wrapper class
1 page Integer Y Page
2 size Integer Y Number of entries
3 did String Y DID
Interface response parameter
No. Parameter Type Description
1 Pages<CptInfo> Credential template list info
1 page Integer Page
2 size Integer Number of entries
3 totalNum Integer Number of entries in total
4 totalPage Integer Number of pages in total
5 result List<CptInfo> Result list
1 cptVersion Integer Credential template version
2 cptJsonSchema Map<String, JsonSchema> JsonSchema information for MapType
3 title String Credential template title
4 description String Credential template description
5 publisherDid String DID of the credential template issuer
6 proof Proof Signature
7 cptId Long Credential template ID
8 create String Created date
9 update String Updated date
1 type String Field type
2 description String Field description
3 required Boolean whether is required to fill
1 creator String DID involved in the calculation of the Signature value
2 type String Algorithm type
3 signatureValue String Signature value
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