Query Resource Operation Record

Function name queryResourceHistory(QueryResourceHistory queryResourceHistory)
Description Resource owner calls this function to query the operation record of the resource.
Request Parameters
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 QueryResourceHistory Y
1 uid String Y ID in the Hub
2 url String N The path of the stored resource
3 operation Operation N Authorization type: WRITE/UPDATE/DELETE
4 privateKey String Y Private key
Response Parameters
No. Parameter Type Required Description
1 List<ResourceHistoryInfo> Y Query result, list of Permissions
1 operationUid String Y Operator’s ID in the Hub
2 ownerUid String Y Owner’s ID in the Hub
3 operation String Y Operation type: WRITE/UPDATE/READ
4 content String Y Ciphertext resource content
5 url String Y The path of the stored resource
6 key String N Ciphertext key
7 operationTime LocalDateTime Y Operated time
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